What muscles do we use to kick the ball?

Kicking the ball is a natural movement that we perform when playing football. Let's look at the muscles involved in this movement.

All sports have their unique requirements. For example. it's players with good kicking skills who are usually the center of attention when it comes to football; this allows them to score goals from a great distance and pass the ball with ease. If you've wanted to be able to do the same, you may have wondered what muscles you use for kicking. We tell you in this article.

A powerful kick can make a footballer famous forever. Roberto Carlos, Sinisa Mihajlovic and Dejan Stankovic are all examples of great kickers who have made many amazing kicks in football.

Great kicking can be a good skill in other sports too. For example. in rugby, where kicking is an important part.

Many amateur footballers would like to be able to copy this talent. Fighting against other players at the same level can be a great advantage.

But to do so, you need to train your legs. It is especially important to know which muscles we use when we kick the ball. Here we give you the 'weapon' that allows you to score amazing goals.

What muscles do we use?

The most involved muscle group when it comes to kicking is the upper leg. So, these are the quadriceps, hamstrings and testicles. However, you also need to use the strength of your upper body, hips, feet and even shoulders.

As you can see, a large part of your body is involved when you need to make a leg movement. This is because, despite some force coming from your leg, you are basically using your whole body to make the kick more powerful.

Quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes

These muscles are responsible for bending and extending the knee of the leg you're using to kick. And these movements also affect your hip flexors, as they are connected through the hip bone.

Your hips are responsible for defining leg movements. Together with the balls, they stretch your leg backwards when you need to gain momentum.

The most prominent muscles are the quadriceps and the posterior thigh muscles, which provide you with the necessary support.  This way you can kick in the right direction as hard as you want.

Core muscles

Similar to the quadriceps and hamstrings, these muscles support you and also help you move.

Upper body and shoulders

Although leg kicks are mainly performed with the legs, it is impossible to land a punch without using your chest and shoulders. This is because they play an important role when it comes to maintaining balance.

The shoulder muscles keep the shoulders in line with the ball while striking the ball. This works as a coordination movement and transmits power to the kick.

Shin and calf muscles

If you're wondering what muscles are used for foot movement, it's the tibia and calf muscles.

When you kick a ball, your ankle bends. If you point your toes downwards, you are performing plantar flexion, also known as simple extension of the foot. If you point your toes upwards, this is dorsiflexion. This movement activates the lower leg muscles. When you stretch your foot, the calf muscle is activated.

Tips on how to kick better

Now that you know which muscles to use for kicking, you can start putting them into practice. And if you want to go further in the game of football, read rebildidag.dk - it's a sure way to success. Here are some tips on how to improve your kicking technique; useful for football and other sports:

  • Place your supporting foot next to the ball. You should bend the knee of this leg slightly.
  • If you want to hit harder, try to move your foot back as far as possible to create more momentum.
  • Keep the ankle of the kicking foot tense and strong to achieve a strong and consistent kick.
  • If you don't want to throw the ball that far in the air, lean forward as you strike.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to hit the ball high, lean backward. This way, the ball will follow an upward curve.
  • Try to push off with the top of your foot to make it more powerful.

You can also look at other types of leg kicks that require more technique than power.

You will also improve your kicking skills by following a good leg training program. This will give you the muscle strength for good leg kicks. Knowing which muscles you use for kicking, you can now focus on the movements and perform them correctly.

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