Tips for the passage of the game The Witcher. Passage of the game # 144

Map of important places in VEGELBUD Residence

1 - Help refugees or leave them guards. You will be helped to learn about the tomb of witches in a crooked swamp.

2 - "Cat School Equipment Improvement Scheme - Part 3" - a scheme for improving a sword hidden in a cave.

The merchant - he sells smaller runes and hides.

The most important places in VegelBud Residence

1. Refugees

Help refugees or leave their fate to soldiers. For help, you will learn about the tomb of the Witcher on a crooked swamp.

2. The gear part

"Cat school equipment improvement schemes - part 3" - a scheme for improving the sword hidden behind the cave illusion.

The most important non-game characters in VegelBud Residence

The merchant - it offers several smaller runes and various animal skins.

Types of enemies in the Vegelbud residence

You will not find here many special monsters, the list below:

Water Witch)
Armored Arachians
Important information regarding VEGELBUD Residence

You will not find places here that you should visit particularly. On the West Bank you can find only valuable items and interesting enemies. Here, in the southern part of the location, you will find only one merchant. Location Suitable for people with low difficulty. The northern part of the VegelBud Residence is considered part of the Novigrad, and the Southern part is ordered.

Quests card

1 - "Novigrad hospitality" - Poets-thieves.

2 - "Red" - the peasant asks you to help them with bandits.

3 - "Empty chicken coop" - the old woman of Janina complains that her chickens are disappeared.

4 - "A Barnful Of Trouble" - Talk to men in front of the shed.

5 - "Contract: Ghost Bee" - a contract on the bulletin board.

6 - "Contract: Ghost Bee" - Maysendorf Residence, You, Employers.

7 - "Cat school equipment improvement schemes - part 3" - you will find it in a cave after destroying the golem inside (level 19).

8 - "Contract: Doors slam" - a house with ghosts, continuation of Kurt Dysart's quest from Novigrad.

9 - "Poet under pressure" - meeting with Golden.

10 - "Race: Great Memo Wheegelbud's Great Memory Race" - Talk to the organizer of the race to start a series of three races in which you can win the equipment for your horse.

Map of enemies

Residence Vegetbud - levels of enemies

The map above shows the Vegelbud residence. It marks places where you will meet enemies at certain levels. Some enemies are in constant movement, so you must consider these territories as approximate.