by Gabriele Drescher-Krumrey

The adventure journey is played in conjunction with a movement construction site.
Of course, there are no limits to the imagination; for example, if there is no football goal, something else will have to do.

„We are going on an adventure trip to the land of the strong girls, we say goodbye and goodbye to everyone“.
We shout and wave our scarves to them.

„Suddenly we are standing in front of a muddy meadow. It looks like other travellers have already crossed this meadow. They have stretched a rope; we can use that now, too, so as not to sink in the mud. It’s not so easy to balance on a rope, but we all manage.“
There is a rope attached to the ground on which we balance.

„We arrive safely in a small, very small cave.
We want to rest so badly, but unfortunately we can’t all sit or even lie down at the same time, we can only stand – and even that only if we unite and stand very close together.“
Everyone huddles together in the cave represented by a lying hamster wheel toy, covered with a blanket.

„In order for the journey to continue, everyone must complete a task: You can only leave this cave again if each of you has first thrown three stones out of it. These stones must be thrown into a small, distant pit, only then can the cave be left by everyone together.“
Balls must be thrown into a large play cone 1.5 metres away.

„Finally we have all completed the task and have left the cave. We have found a place that is protected by trees.“
The place is a soccer goal where everyone gathers.

„Unfortunately, the further way is also arduous, because it is stony and slippery, you can easily hurt yourself on sharp stones. Again, there are stones that have already been made passable by other people.
However, this steep mountain path can only be used if another task is completed. Fortunately, only three of us have to carry a heavy boulder along the way.“
The stones are carpet tiles, the boulders are balls.

„So the path that we strong girls have to overcome is full of difficulties. With a boulder in their arms, three travellers must now jump from boulder to boulder. This task is very risky and the muscles of arms and legs must be well trained.“
With a ball in their arms, three girls jump and put the balls down.

„The journey continues.
We are now standing on a mountain looking down into the depths. A raging river flows below, and only a very, very narrow footbridge leads across the water. Again we have to think: Do I dare to walk over it, or do I rather sit down and slide over – because we all have to cross…“.
Everyone overcomes the trestles and balance beams.

„And quickly we have to go on; on the other side of the gorge there is again little room to linger. But oh dear! A mountain has to be overcome, it goes steeply upwards.“
Everyone climbs over trestles and up a ladder.

„We are tired, exhausted and want to finally reach our destination. What do we see? A monster, a monster we have to fight.“
The first two girls have arrived at the monster (punching bag and boxing gloves) and are fighting.

„Suddenly we all become wide awake and cheer for our friends. We keep calling their names, and eventually the monster gets tired because we are strong and very skilled.
We hit the monster – and we girls are super fast, can spot the monster’s footsteps and dodge. The first two girls have reached the other side and the monster can’t hurt them anymore.
So all the girls have to fight their way past the monster.“
When everyone has made it:

„We have already overcome many things: the swamp, the cave, the gorge with the water, the mountain and now the monster. When will we finally reach our destination, the „Land of the Strong Girls“? We allow ourselves a little break, but now we have to clear rocks out of the way again.“
We shoot the ready balls into a goal.

„The path is clear, we see lights in the distance, but oh no, it’s a clearing. We have to lie down on the grass and crawl across it so that robbers and monsters don’t see us and cut us off.“
There is a rope stretched to crawl under.

„We have arrived at a beautiful meadow (big gym mat) and are very happy. We do somersaults and romp around on the meadow. This must be the land of the strong girls!
What do we see at one corner? A blanket hiding something. What do you think it is? Who is particularly brave and looks underneath?
We encourage each other. We have passed so many adventures, we feel and strong and are no longer afraid of new challenges. We decide to all pull the blanket away together.“
Piles of books come to light.

„Oh what’s this?
Books of various kinds! What is there to see in them?“

The children are glad to have a physical rest, but are still curious and immediately look at the books.

Back to: What Is a Power Girl?


Date of publication in German: 2013, April
Copyright © Gabriele Drescher-Krumrey, see imprint.