by Hanna Vock
This manual is about pre-school age children with most or all of the following characteristics and abilities
developed far above average:
- experiencing great pleasure in mental activities and identifying interrelations
- intellectual curiosity and a fancy for exploration
- good observation
- high capacity to assimilate and process data in fields of interest
- logic, complex, original and abstract thinking
- inner urge to solve problems creatively and independently
- interest for topics which go far beyond the interests of peers in age
- great perseverance when dealing with topics of interest
- inquisitiveness
- early developed ability to think critically
The question whether bright or gifted (IQ-rating ≥ 130 or test-score ≥ 98 percent) is not essential here. The target group of this manual is focussed on gifted children (their need for advancement and their possible problems) yet also encompasses the bright (IQ-rating ≥ 115 or test-score ≥ 84 percent).
This handbook is not about labelling, not about achievement, not about ambition.
– it is about ensuring that cognitively high gifted young children do not have to starve intellectually.
They should be supported in satisfying their great hunger for cognition and knowledge.
This also increases their chances of being in good hands at the kindergarten and feeling comfortable in the group of children.
See also:
Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence
Are All Children from the Examples (in this Manual) Gifted?
Date of publication in German: May 5 th, 2007
Translated by Arno Zucknick
Copyright © Hanna Vock, see Imprint