- The manual is a collection of individual contributions on various terms, topics and questions. You can find your way around via the table of contents or via the keyword register, which you can both access from the start page. The table of contents as well as the start page can also be found above each article. In these directories, please double-click on the article of interest to go to the corresponding manual page.
- Many practical examples or further explanations cannot be found in the table of contents. Please search for these in the sitemap (chapter 0 – German version).
- The manual is constantly being revised and extended.
Newly added or heavily revised articles can be found on the start page in the list of new entries, which you can also access via the index of contents, chapter 0.
The entries in the list are sorted so that you find the last entries right at the beginning.
- The texts contain links to other texts in the manual that are closely related to what you have just read or offer further explanations. Here, too, you can go directly to the other article by clicking on it.
- Due to the highly networked structure of the manual, repetitions cannot be completely ruled out. The individual contributions should remain understandable – even separately from each other. We ask you to excuse the disadvantage (possible repetitions) in consideration with the advantages.
- In many articles you will find a short summary.
- As far as the language of the manual is concerned, it is to be hoped that they will find little „teacher-talk“. I agree with Schopenhauer on this issue:
„Think like few people and talk like most people. You need ordinary words and say unusual things.“ (After: Wolf Schneider, Wie Sie besser schreiben (As you better write). In: Die Zeit. Magazin, May 2012, p. 10.
- In the examples, all children’s names are changed to preserve the anonymity of the children.
- Please respect the copyright! All contributions are the result of strenuous, committed work and are therefore protected by copyright. (See Imprint.)
Of course, you may use all ideas and materials for your work, provided you carefully state the source. For larger projects, consultation with the IHVO is necessary. (Contact: aznick@gmx.de)
We are interested in your opinion on our manual and on individual contributions, and are also grateful for any suggestions.
(Contact: aznick@gmx.de).
See also: The Becoming of the Manual
Date of publication in German: 2007, May
Copyright © Hanna Vock, see imprint.